Maya Advises: How to Set Up and Achieve Goals?
In Maya’s previous article, there were Five reasons why is setting up goals important. This week, she guides us on; How to Set up and achieve goals.
Maya shows us an intelligent way to set goals to help you succeed.
Different life aspects
What are the aspects of your life that you would like to improve?
Identify the category you would like to improve: family, finances, career/business, relationships/friends, health, and personal development. The choice is yours.
Describe what’s important to you in each section. Then, to have a better effect, create a small table, and in every category, write your wishful improvements.
Unfortunately, most people stop at this step.
The most common attitude is: I wrote them down, so it’s done.
This isn’t true. Taking this step alone has poor odds of success. It would help if you took action to achieve your goals.
You should also review your columns. Review all of your goals and results you want to achieve, and determine what actions you need to take. It’s not just visualization and meditation; I have to be honest with you. There are action steps you need to take.
Some of these things are way outside your comfort zone.
To earn more money, you need to invest, learn more, educate yourself, and take risks – you know, actually do something about it.
Let’s say you want a better relationship with your partner. In that case, you must break the old routines, care about the sparkle, and communicate more effectively.
Likewise, you can do this for all your goals.
Examples for action
For example, “My goal is to expand my circle of friends. I want to be surrounded by like-minded, positive individuals.”
Take actions outside of your comfort zone if you want to achieve this goal. Just do something different. Attend a class about something, or go to the gym/or switch gyms. You might want to join a yoga club or a coaching group. Choosing a new environment depends on your interests. After that, you have to make connections, invite people somewhere, and show an interest in their lives.
At the moment, you are not doing these things. If you want your goal to be accomplished, you need to take action. To do that, make changes. Getting you to take action is simple.
Simply deciding to achieve a goal is not enough. It would help if you changed your behaviour first. Meaning trying to develop new and helpful habits.
Observe your actions throughout the day. For example, do you constantly check your phone or watch too much Netflix? When you wake up, do you check your email? To much time is spent on Social Media?
As a result of all these actions, you have not reached your life goals till now.
So, what do you do in step 3?
First, you start changing your habits. It takes 30-60 days to form a new habit.
Oops. Did I tell you that there is no magic wand to achieve your goals and get what you want? Of course, not.No magic here, just hard work and strong beliefs.
To succeed in life, you must invest time and effort.
For taking action to become easy and natural, you need to dedicate 30 to 60 days to establish a new helpful habit.
There is a fourth factor in the game. It would be best if you changed your habits and your beliefs.
If your beliefs resemble the phrases below:
* I’m not disciplined enough
* I’m constantly failing
*everyone else can, but I can’t
*I lack more education, courses, books or luck…
Those beliefs will get in the way of taking action. For example, if you believe you will fail, how can you force yourself to carry out the steps?
So, the fourth thing is changing beliefs. How do you do that?
- Guided meditations for reprogramming your mind
- Changing the way you talk about yourself
- Use affirmations (but only those that resonate with you and make you feel good)
- Visualize that you are already there.
These steps – setting goals, choosing actions, adopting habits, and changing beliefs – provide you with a structure that you can follow.
If you go to the gym five or six times only, you will not see any results. Therefore, going to the gym or completing any goal should be connected to repeating actions many times over a certain period.
Personal development is no different. It is impossible to achieve outstanding results in your life by doing something a few times.
You can achieve anything you want if you commit.
I am proudly serving with my experience to be the evidence of that.
So if you are curious to learn more, reach out to Maya.
Until next week, follow the link and see what else have you missed from Maya Advice Column.